
Our 13-year-old niece Skylar wrote the following on May 29, 2015.

I would like to share. My cousin passed December 29th in a car accident. It wasn't her fault or her boyfriend´s. Today it's been 5 months since she's been gone and I can't go a day without thinking of her. I was recently at her house for a barbeque and it felt so weird without her there. You brought warmness to my heart and I will never forget that feeling. You´re my angel. Whenever I'm having a bad day and I have to decide what to do I always ask myself "what would Genna do?" Why? Because you were the most perfect person I met. Gorgeous, talented, funny, fashionista and so much more. Or whenever I have a test I always ask myself. Especially since I have 11 schools days left I have finals and I'm super scared. I know you're looking down on me. Rest in peace Babe.

Our Tribute

We would like to pay tribute to Sara’s cousin Genna Martinez. She was killed in a car accident this past December. She was only 19 years old. Genna is the daughter of Luis and Tami Martinez and older sister to Gabby. Genna grew up in Bohemia, Long Island. She was in her second year at Nassau Community College and worked at a Fossil retail store in the mall. Genna seemed like a normal teenager but for those of us that knew her, we knew she was quite different. Genna had strong sense of self that most people her age do not have. She had a clear vision of what she wanted for her future and was determined to work hard in order to achieve her goals. Genna was wise beyond her years; she knew what really mattered in life.

After her death, there was an outpouring of stories told about her kindness, compassion, positive attitude and her smile. Classmates, teachers, coaches, and co-workers offered countless examples of how Genna’s influence had made a difference in their lives. Whether it was showing the new kid around school and introducing them to her friends, offering her ear to a classmate that needed to talk, or giving heartfelt advice to those who came to her with their problems, she was always willing to help. More than one person said that Genna had helped them turn their life around.

Family was a priority for Genna. No matter how busy she was with school, sports, or work she never missed a family gathering. Not only did she always attend these gatherings, but she was always fully present. During our typical Spanish meals that went on for hours and hours, she would sit at the table with the adults and actively partake in the conversations. She would listen to our stories and then she would eagerly share some of her own. Most teenagers would be bored but Genna always enjoyed herself. She always seemed pleased and comfortable to be there, never in a rush to leave.

Genna discovered her talent for fashion at a young age. She was creative and her great sense of style showed in the great looking outfits she put together. Many times she combined the most unlikely pieces of clothing in order to create her fashionable ensembles. In high school she designed and made her one of a kind Jr. Prom dress. Genna’s confidence was remarkable as was her ability to stay true to herself and her ideas. In college she received negative feedback on one of her unique design ideas, not only did she stick with her original design but this dress was chosen to be put on display at her school.

Sports were another big part of Genna’s life. Both Genna and Gabby began playing sports at a young age. Genna loved softball and field hockey and in college was the pitcher for her softball team. Gabby played roller hockey and continues to play ice hockey, field hockey, and lacrosse. Both sisters are disciplined and worked hard to improve their performance, so much so that Gabby and Genna played on the same varsity field hockey team even though they were 4 years apart in school. They shared an immense love and respect for each other. They were sisters and also great friends. Gabby inspired Genna to lead by good example. They are both true team players on the field and off.

Genna had a set of values that she did not stray from and she followed her heart. She always tried to do her best and wanted her parents to be proud of her. Much credit has to be given to her parents, Tami and Luis, for Genna grew into one of the most responsible, kind-hearted and genuine individuals we have ever known. They raised both of their daughters with love, support, and encouragement to follow their dreams and pursue their goals in life. They created a loving home and a close-knit family full of affection, trust and respect.

An important part of Genna’s life was her relationship with her boyfriend Connor. He knew better than anyone how great Genna was. They were very much in love and each brought out the best in each other. They had plans for the future and offered their unconditional support for each other. They made each other happy.

It will never make sense that Genna is gone. She was a good girl and on the right track. She was always smiling and had such a bright future ahead of her. Our time with her was cut too short. This world has lost a truly exceptional person. At only 19 years old she knew what was important in life. She taught us to stay true to our conscience, to be kind to others and to follow our hearts.

We miss you and will always love you Genna. We miss your smile and your happiness. You are in our hearts forever and your presence at the dinner table will always remain.

Memorial Fund

Genna’s parents set up the Genna Martinez Memorial Fund in order to continue Genna’s legacy of kindness. This year they awarded a scholarship to a high school student and a middle school student. Next year they plan on contributing to other causes such as buying medical equipment for ill children whose families are in need and donating to the Make a Wish Foundation.


Queremos rendir un sentido tributo a Genna Martínez. Genna falleció trágicamente en un accidente de tráfico el pasado diciembre. Tenía 19 años y es la prima de Sara. Genna es hija de Luis y Tami Martínez y hermana de Gabby. Queremos aprovechar esta oportunidad y compartir con vosotros lo especial que era Genna y lo feliz que hacía a la gente que la rodeaba.

Creció en Bohemia, Long Island y cursaba su segundo año universitario en Nassau Community College cuando su vida fue cortada de raíz en una carretera. Trabajaba en el centro comercial de su pueblo, concretamente en la tienda de la multinacional Fossil. Genna era la típica joven alegre, con claros objetivos en su vida, pero los que la conocíamos sabíamos con certeza que era diferente.

Para Genna la familia era, indudablemente, su prioridad. No se perdía ni una sóla reunión familiar. Para ella estar rodeada de los suyos era el escenario perfecto. No importaba si estaba ocupada con sus estudios, con deportes o con el trabajo, Genna siempre se las ingeniaba para encontrar tiempo y compartirlo así con la familia. No solo asistía a las reuniones familiares, sino que las vivía con pasión. Nuestras comidas, generalmente con el denominador común de la gastronomía española sobre la mesa, se alargaban horas y horas, pero para Genna eran minutos. Ella escuchaba atenta las historia de los adultos, pero no era una protagonista pasiva. Después de escuchar atentamente las batallas de los adultos que compartían mantel, ella también narraba sus historias y anécdotas. Siempre estaba contenta de estar allí. Y lo sorprendente, nunca tenía prisa por marcharse.

Era una apasionada del mundo de la moda, y descubrió su talento para la costura a temprana edad. Desde entonces, fue hilvanando sus pasos para buscarse un hueco en el mundo de la moda y tejer así su futuro. Estaba dispuesta a trabajar duro para lograr alcanzar las metas que se había fijado para su vida. Era creativa y su gran sentido por la moda se veía reflejado en las prendas que delicadamente diseñaba. En cada diseño había pasión, había vida. Muchas veces combinaba las prendas más improbables para crear conjuntos únicos. En el instituto diseñó el vestido de su graduación, único en su genero. La confianza que tenía en si misma era notable, como también lo era su inusual habilidad de mantenerse fiel a si misma y a sus ideas. En la universidad, en una ocasión, recibió comentarios negativos sobre una de sus singulares ideas de diseño. No sólo se mantuvo fiel a su diseño original, sino que ese vestido fue seleccionado para ser exhibido en su universidad.

Tras su muerte, se contaron infinitas historias sobre su bondad, su compasión, su sonrisa. Se contaron varias historias de cómo Genna había marcado la diferencia en la vida de otros.Cuando una estudiante nueva aterrizó en su instituto, Genna no lo dudó y le enseñó el colegio, le presentó a sus amigos y le dio consejos de cómo sobrevivir en su nuevo entorno escolar. Genna siempre le alegraba el día a aquellos que la conocían, y anteponía las necesidades de los demás a las suyas propias.

Uno de sus mayores atributos fue el amor y el compañerismo. A Genna le encantaba el softball, una versión más ligera del beisbol, y el hockey sobre hierba. En la universidad jugando softball, logrando alcanzar el tan preciado puesto de lanzadora. Jugaba en equipo, tanto dentro como fuera del campo. Esta actitud la trasladaba a su casa y a su vida personal. Genna tenía una serie de principios de los que no se desviaba y seguía los dictados de su corazón. Gracias Tami y Luis por enseñarle la cualidades que Gena consideraba tan importantes. Creasteis el hogar donde el corazón de Genna tuvo su inicio. Vuestra labor como padres fue la que condujo a Genna a ser Genna, una de las personas mas responsables y amables que jamás hemos conocido. Gracias también a Gabby, la hermana pequeña inspiró a Genna a liderar con el ejemplo. Eres la mejor de las hermanas.

Su novio, Connor, sabía mejor que nadie lo grande que Genna era. Connor y Genna disfrutaban de su amor platónico cuando el destino se cruzó en sus vidas. Tenían planes de futuro, y se apoyaban uno en el otro incondicionalmente.

Todos los que la conocimos la echamos muchísimo de menos. A veces sobran las palabras. El mundo perdió a una persona excepcional. Nunca tendrá sentido el que se haya marchado. A sus 19 años, nos enseñó lo importante que es la vida, lo importante que es seguir los dictados del corazón, la importancia de ser leales a nuestra conciencia y la importancia que tiene valorar a la familia.

Te queremos Genna. Siempre echaremos de menos tu sonrisa, tus palabras, tu felicidad. Siempre tendrás un sitio en nuestra mesa y en nuestro corazón.

Tami y Luis establecieron el Fondo en Memoria de Genna Martínez para poder continuar el legado bondadoso de Genna. Este año con los fondos recaudos se entregarán becas a estudiantes. A partir del próximo año, los padres de Genna prevén contribuir con organizaciones como Make A Wish Foundation para ayudar a los niños más necesitados. También pretenden comprar equipos médicos para niños enfermos cuyas familias no pueden costearlo.